Product Designer
2 months
UX Audit
UX Writing
Research process
Usability testing
Workshop Facilitation
Competitor Analysis
MVP Strategy
The challenge was to understand the issues faced by AAFESP and propose cost-effective solutions that assist in the NGO's areas of focus, education, and health, streamlining the recruitment and management of volunteers.
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As a facilitator, I indicated that we needed to start our research by understanding the scenario of the NGO and the people affected by it. We emphasized the development of a script to guide informal conversations on the topic, aiming to comprehend the experiences of individuals with Sickle Cell Anemia. This approach allowed us to uncover the real challenges related to attracting and engaging volunteers.
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Audio captured from the research

Regina Carla
Audio captured from the research

Joelma Vitória
Insights found
We have arrived at the prioritized solutions for developing the project
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We deemed this solution would generate the most impact with the least effort. However, recognizing the potential for a more comprehensive project, we decided to explore the second-highest voted solution.
With this, we outlined the Minimum Viable Product (MVP), considering implementation time, ease of application, and the value it would bring to the client.
Show, don't tell
For the short term, the solution is to register on online platforms that promote NGOs in need of volunteers. We identified the following platforms:
We selected the main platforms and created a step-by-step guide for the NGO to register on each of them.
We developed the volunteer registration form, with validations of the questions by AAFESP. Additionally, we considered the database generated by Google Forms for the NGO, as it has a partnership with Google, allowing them to work with their tools for free.
Usability Testing
We conducted usability tests with the following objectives:
Navigating the 'new' AAFESP landing page, with the goal of finding where to register as a volunteer
You are interested in volunteering. Your goal is to fill out the form and register for the position
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After analyzing the improvements suggested through test feedback and collaboration with AAFESP, we selected those that could be implemented within the time frame we had until delivery to the client.
Add a question about the days available to work at the NGO
The question about the area and tasks they would like to contribute to underwent changes
We revamped the UX Writing, rewriting the text on the Landing Page to be more welcoming
Additionally, we introduced a progress bar so that users can understand their position in completing the form
Successful delivery
We created a Landing Page within the website containing information for users to understand the volunteer work conducted at AAFESP. In addition, we developed an interest form for volunteering, enabling the NGO to initiate a database system for interested candidates.
Relevant results can arise from small actions
Sometimes, small and easily implementable deliveries already bring significant results for the client.
"Among the over 10 projects presented, yours was chosen by us as the most suitable for the needs and possibilities of the NGO," said AAFESP President, Anderson Prestes, during the solution delivery.
User testing revealed surprising challenges, emphasizing the need for adaptability and quick adjustments when facing unexpected situations. The true learning here is that constraints make us more creative.
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