


Artificial Intelligence in Adopter Filtering

Artificial Intelligence in Adopter Filtering

Artificial Intelligence in Adopter Filtering

VoltBike is a leading provider of electric bicycles, designed for both urban commuters and recreational riders. We were tasked with creating a user experience that was intuitive, efficient and enjoyable for riders of all levels.




UX Designer


2 months


Discovery process
Usability testing
Agile development
Competitor Analysis



Enhancing Pet Adoption with Technology

Enhancing Pet Adoption with Technology

Enhancing Pet Adoption with Technology

I developed the project with a focus on assisting the management of the NGO and the adopter filtering process. I created a form based on Artificial Intelligence to facilitate the matching of rescued cats with responsible adopters.

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High-Level Goals

High-Level Goals

We decided to focus on the issue of adopter filtering. We arrived at this problem when we heard from the caretaker, Anitta, the following statement:

"It's exhausting to deal with people who are not responsible; the interviews are draining, and most people get extremely offended when their adoption is denied."

"It's exhausting to deal with people who are not responsible; the interviews are draining, and most people get extremely offended when their adoption is denied."

The NGO's goal is to reduce mortality
due to Sickle Cell Anemia.



Double Diamond and Kickoff Interview

The first step we took was to list the certainties, assumptions, and doubts (CSD Matrix) we had about the NGO to better understand its main challenges and comprehend them.

◍ Lack of permanent volunteers in the NGO

◍ High turnover of volunteers

◍ The entire adoption process is rigorously handled by Anitta

◍ When there is a refusal in adoption, Anitta has to deal directly with the dissatisfaction of the interested party.



Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis

We conducted a competitor analysis with other animal adoption NGOs and two surveys with three objectives:

◍ To better understand the experiences of other NGOs and animal rescuers when they achieve responsible adoptions.

◍ To understand the criteria adopters need to meet when adopting an animal.

◍ To inquire about past experiences with pet adoptions for these NGOs.

Research with a psychologist to understand the emotional aspect in the adoption process

Interview with a veterinarian to understand the behaviors of animals that have undergone traumatic situations

Survey with individuals who have already adopted to explore the motivation and the experience of the process from beginning to end

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"Yes, I have already carried out several adoptions and have participated in some adoption events. It is very rewarding to know that the animal that was at risk of life on the streets will have a home filled with love and care. It will be safe and well taken care of."

Romário Cristiano

Animal Rescuer

"The person in charge of the NGO wanted to meet me and better understand my existing relationship with animals. Later, I picked up my furry ball and had to fill out two forms and sign where there were several requirements that needed to be fulfilled, such as exams, deworming, vaccinations, and sterilization, with the most important commitment being to care for and love the animal."

Gisela Carla

Animal Adopter

Creating an Artificial Intelligence-powered form to streamline the adoption process

Creating an Artificial Intelligence-powered form to streamline the adoption process

The NGO's goal is to reduce mortality
due to Sickle Cell Anemia.

To expedite the adoption process and minimize potential frustrations for both parties

To expedite the adoption process and minimize potential frustrations for both parties



Crazy 8’s

Crazy 8’s

Crazy 8’s

Each team member shared their ideas and defended them, and then we grouped them by similarities, creating an Affinity Map. Immediately afterward, we conducted a 2x2 Matrix (Impact vs. Effort) to assist us in deciding what to deliver in the short and long term.

To align our ideas with the values and missions of the NGO, we also chose to conduct a User-Centered Canvas analysis, leading us to a unique value proposition.

"To be the facilitator in the search for rescued animals that undergo all veterinary care, making them available to people seeking a faithful companion, with due responsibility in the adoption process of lives, with clear and objective procedures from the first interaction."



Prototyping the Form

With all the information and testing, we refined the Miaudota Campinas form with a new structure, flowchart, and logic, mapping possible journeys that could arise during the form completion.

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Usability Testing

In the validation phase, we selected two individuals with different interests in the adoption process.

The first user, 25 years old, has a dog and has never adopted before. He would like to have a companion for his pet, with a preference for dogs.

The second user, around 40 years old, has 5 cats, has participated in adoptions, contributes financially to NGOs on a monthly basis, and is passionate about cats.

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Common feedback

Common feedback

Common feedback

◍ In some questions, the logic did not work as expected, disrupting the user experience.

◍ There were questions with confusing wording that led to errors.

◍ Two questions conveyed the wrong message, requiring intervention to proceed with the test.

We scheduled a meeting with Anitta to present the project. We provided a brief explanation of the processes we used and how we arrived at the solution for the observed problem.

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Successful Delivery

We created a simple and intuitive form that helps eliminate adopters who do not meet Miaudota's minimum requirements.

This way, Anitta would be able to minimize the time spent on this initial screening, create a physical database of potential adopters, and reach out to those who do not meet the minimum criteria to explain, thus avoiding the common frictions associated with the previous filtering method.



Improving a product is about listening and understanding the reality of others

The solution we developed brought value to both the adopters of the NGO and Miaudota as well. Through testing, we concluded that the product addressed various issues related to adopter registration.

When presenting the solution to Anitta, it was gratifying to hear her say that this project is 'down-to-earth' and will help her quickly without the need for specialized maintenance.

The significant experience in this project was the close contact with people and practical learning of the Design Sprint process in collaboration with other designers.

I learned more about the empathy required when developing something to assist others, especially in usability tests where we aim to deeply understand user frustrations and identify areas for improvement.



Insurance assistance claim through messaging



Digital whitelabel protection, streamlined for businesses



Strategy to attract volunteers

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Created with ☕ and 💖 by Fabricio Rezende

Let's talk about design, business, or coffee?

© 2024 • ALL RIGHTS RESERVED • Created with ☕ and 💖 by Fabricio Rezende